Personal training in water or on land combining the concept of rehabilitation and fitness for an optimal workout for all w/Jessica "JET" Bolz

Let’s go “JET” This day!
You want to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle but you’re struggling with how because of a challenging issue? You’re not alone. My passion is creating fun workouts for individuals, who like me couldn’t do a workout that was intense because of cardiac, pulmonary and mobility problems. I learned there were ways I could tone, lose lbs and even build muscle without being in pain while doing it! And now I want to help you.

Come to my 3-8 ft oxygen pool or I'll come to yours for training and swim lessons!

Join my virtual chair fit class on Saturdays from 11-1150am for only $30 per class!!! Hit the BOOK ONLINE BUTTON
Themed water fitness makes it fun
When I first started training clients I strived to make the workout a fun environment where the participant was having such a good time they didn't watch the clock! The idea of theming my workouts was born and now I have over 15 different unique themed workouts from STAR WARS to ROCKY! My motto " go get this day" and believe that you can! Whats the workout like? Using equipment, we burn calories, tone and build muscle all without the hinderance of gravity!
I've. taught swim lessons for over 35 years from beginnner to advanced ages 3 to 93! lets get you in that pool!
muscle build and tone with intermittent cardio all while seated for a hard workout thats easy on the joints w/Jet!
This is my 60 min chair wokrout that combines weight resistance with dumbelss and cardio work all in seated chair position. Its available for purchase on my store here for just $30. Leave your email for me in the comment section and I will send my personal video to your email address. GO JET THIS DAY!
Joint friendly strengthening workouts
As a four time cancer survivor I understand how important it is to have a safe and pain free environment to work. Using equipment such as the fitness ball and a chair helps relieve stress on the joints while still giving an incredible toning and strengthening workout.
Want to take "JET" to the poolside with you? This 60 minute foambell workout includes, cardio, strength training and toning. Email me at to buy NOW!!!
My story
I began my survivorship journey 39 years ago when I was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma at 12 years of age. Prior to this I had been a competitive swimmer, third in NY state in 50 yd freestyle. Surgery, radiation treatment and chemotherapy ravaged my body and I was unable to continue competition but I continued to teach the sport I loved so much and the environment that always felt so therapeutic; the water. I would go on to battle a relapse of Hodgkins lymphoma within the next year and then breast cancer 12 years later ( long term side effects of the radiation treatment) and then again in my other breast 6 years after that. In my quest to keep my body moving and feeling well I discovered ways to exercise that were conducive to pain free strengthening and better range of motion utilizing modalities that lessened the effects of gravity and improved my use of my core while challenging my body in a way that minimized pain. I found my purpose when I began teaching others the same skills that I had utilized to benefit myself. I am an AFAA certified group fitness instructor, WATERART certified shallow and deep, and aqua arthritis water fitness instructor but most of all I am a person who wanted to find ways to sustain my physical and mental wellness level. And NOW I want to show you how!

The water workouts I did with Jessica through Jetfitness were the best workouts I have ever done in the water! They were full body workouts and she leveled them so that everyone participating could work at their own level of difficulty. In my opinion, these classes are top notch and well worth taking!
Melanie Robinson

Book your time with JET!
123 Cardiff place Chapel Hill Nc 27516